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The IT College

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Contact - 0218525533

OUR COURSES | 5 Career Paths

Our career paths are setup to provide you with lifelong learning direction.

Short Courses | Internationally recognised

No time to take a full-time or part-time course? No problem - these classes take between 1 to 3 nights to complete!

Distance Learning | Online Based Training

Want to be able to study anytime, anywhere? Then our online campus is for you!


Those who take it upon themselves to put the leaders of tomorrow through school.

2015 starts with us.

award winning computing solutions for the 3rd year running

  • Professional Training
  • Dynamic Education System
  • Morning, Afternoon, Evening Classes
  • Study Seven Days a Week



Professional Advice.

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Our course advisors and technical experts are here to assist you in choosing the correct direction for you. We also tell you exactly how it is in the work place and as far as possible let you experience it with our practical workshops whereby you will work not just with testing equipment and situations, with but actual clients....

This practical approach to education combined with offering the very services we are training provides an unprecedented experience for our learners within the field of education.

Friendly Service.

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Our entire staff complement is trained and experienced with a set of skills to ensure that our learners, clients and community is served to the best of our ability.

We strongly believe that our learners need to learn this level of customer service as it will not only help them in any employment that they choose but will also make their work easier and more fufilling.

Online Campus

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Our new online campus allows you as a learner to study any of our career paths from anywhere in the world. This offers numerous advantages including but not limited to saving you money and time as you no longer have to travel to one of our partnered campuses.

This feature was brought online to promote accessible education. You shouldn't have to settle for a lower quality education just because the college you want to attend is too far away. With our online campus, you can now study anywhere, anytime of day or night.