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The IT College

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Contact - 0218525533

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Terms & Conditions

1. Enrolment

1.1 Every student of the College, whether full–time or not, must enrol for each library and pay the fees appropriate to their library or libraries of study at the College. No person shall be deemed to be an enrolled student unless:

1.1.1 they have completed and signed a College enrolment form, and

1.1.2 agreed to meet the liability for the relevant fees, where a Sponsor does not meet the liability on their behalf.

1.2 In all College documentation "Sponsor" is deemed to include Parents, Legal Guardians, Local Authority/Central Government Schemes; Local Enterprise Companies; employers and training boards or agencies.

1.3 In signing the enrolment form the student undertakes to observe The IT College Terms and Conditions of Study (including all current published College Policies, Codes and Regulations) and consents to the College obtaining, recording, holding, processing etc personal data including data of a sensitive nature. Students are responsible for informing the College of any changes to the information provided on enrolment.

2. Placements and Study at Off-Campus Locations

2.1 To avoid doubt, the same The IT College Terms and Conditions of Study (including all current published College Policies, Codes and Regulations) apply to all students, including those on placements and/or studying at off–campus locations.

3. Work Commitment

3.1 Students enrolling on courses at the College are entering into a partnership with the College to further their education and training. Students are expected to take full advantage of the opportunities for learning and study.

3.2 The Students Code of Commitment sets out what the College expects from students; copies are available from the Information & Booking Centre. Alternatively you can download a pdf version of the Students Code of Commitment.

4. Clients' Charter

4.1 The Clients' Charter offers clients of the College a statement of the quality of service they can expect from the College as a right; copies are distributed at induction, but may be obtained from the Information & Booking Centre. Alternatively you can download a pdf version of the Clients' Charter.

5. Suggestions and Complaints Procedure

5.1 The complaints system is easy to use and both students and employers are encouraged to use it. Complaints are dealt with by a senior executive and are acknowledged within five working days of receipt and are normally fully answered within fifteen working days. After a further three weeks there is a further letter to ensure the complainant is happy with the outcome of the investigation into their complaint.

5.2 Suggestions and Complaints forms are readily available in reception areas in all the College centres.

6. Course Content

6.1 Students should satisfy themselves from reading the available information that the particular course they have chosen meets their requirements before commencing the course.

7. Cancelling or Changing Contents of Courses

7.1 The College reserves the right not to run courses where the number of students is considered insufficient or where resources are unavailable or to change the contents of a course where it is considered appropriate by the College to do so. Where numbers of students dictate, courses may be amalgamated so that they may comprise a number of subjects, including parts of the student's chosen subjects and parts of other related subjects.

8. Limitation of Admission to Courses

8.1 The College reserves the right to refuse admission to any course because of restricted availability of facilities due to accommodation or teaching requirements or for any other reason which the College deems it necessary to do so.

8.2 All admission to courses is at the discretion of the Principal.

9. Fees

9.1 All fees are payable on enrolment. Details of methods of payment can be obtained from the Reception Area. Students who do not meet their obligation to pay fees at the commencement of their attendance may incur interest charges on the fees outstanding at a rate determined annually by the Board of Management.

9.2 Liability for fees is incurred at enrolment and the College reserves the right to suspend any student who has not paid or arranged, to the satisfaction of the College, payment of fees within a reasonable time.

9.3 Students are referred to The IT College Policy on Course Fees and Policy on Refund of Course Fees.

9.4 No person shall be permitted to enrol as a student of the College or to receive any qualification conferred by the College, unless all, if any, arrears of tuition fees and any other sums due to the College are paid in full or arrangements for the payment of fees have been made to the satisfaction of the College.

10. Financial Matters

10.1 Studying at the College may cause students to incur different costs, for example, tuition fees, books and equipment costs, accommodation costs, childcare fees, photocopying fees, travel expenses and daily living expenses.

10.2 Students are required to supply their own stationery and materials. Details of specialist materials/equipment will be supplied at the commencement of the course.

10.3 Via the The IT College Learner Services, student advisors can give students confidential pre-entry guidance including information on financial matters. Appointments can be made through Reception.

11. Disciplinary Code

11.1 A copy of the Students' Disciplinary Code is available from Learner Services. Alternatively you can download the current pdf version of the Students' Disciplinary Code.
11.2 Generally speaking disciplinary action against students is limited to breach of, or failure to comply with, these Terms and Conditions (including current College Policies) or conduct which adversely affects the College's pursuit of its objectives or which infringes the rights of others.

11.3 The Students' Disciplinary Code sets out what is considered unacceptable (although the list is not exhaustive) and procedures for disciplinary action.

11.4 The employees of the College and those of its contractors or other third party suppliers have the right to work in an environment which is free from any form of harassment, intimidation or abuse whether actual or threatened, physical or verbal. The College has a zero tolerance to the abuse of such employees and students are reminded that any such conduct constitutes unacceptable behaviour and will result is disciplinary action which may, in turn, lead to your suspension or dismissal from the College.

12. Equal Opportunities

12.1 The IT College is committed to promoting equality of opportunity for all its students and staff in all aspects of College life to ensure that no–one is discriminated against on the grounds of race, colour, religion, sex, marital status, disability, age, social position or sexual orientation.

13. Disability

13.1 The College treats applications from students with disabilities on the same academic grounds as all applicants, taking into account the difficulties they may encounter.

13.2 Potential applicants are encouraged to visit the College, prior to enrolment, to meet with the Learning Support Manager. A tour of the College can be arranged and the Learning Support Manager can assist applicants to assess the facilities available for them and provide advice in relation to both internal and external sources of support.

14. Academic Honesty and Plagiarism

14.1 The work submitted by any student for assessment should be the individual work of that student, except where group submissions are permitted.

14.2 None of the following are acceptable and may result in disciplinary action:

• Cheating in assessments

• Assisting others to cheat

• Using any materials (including notes) not permitted in an assessment

• Undertaking an assessment for someone else

• Plagiarism

• Colluding with another person to prepare an assessment which should be solely the work of an individual

As mentioned at Clause 11.1, a copy of the Students' Disciplinary Code is available from Reception.

15. Absence

15.1 Leave of absence from classes will not normally be granted. Any such requests should be made to the relevant Sector or Department Manager. Should leave of absence not be granted but still taken this will be counted as an unauthorised absence.

15.2 Any absence due to illness should be notified to the appropriate Guidance Tutor as soon as possible using the agreed procedure for this.

15.3 Any absence due to illness of more than five college days is required to be certified in the normal manner by a medical practitioner and the certificate passed to the Guidance Tutor on return to College.

15.4 Any absence of 5 days or less may be self–certified through the Absence Notification Form. These forms are available from Guidance Tutors or Learner Services and should be passed to the Guidance Tutor on return to College. If completing an EMA Absence Notification you are also required to send a signed copy to Student Funding. Please note that Absence Notification on its own does not mean that bursary or hardship payments will automatically be paid. These payments will only be made in exceptional circumstances where attendance falls below the accepted level (currently 90%).

15.5 Absences at the time of examinations or assessments must be immediately explained in writing or by a medical certificate to the appropriate Guidance Tutor.

16. Attendance and Punctuality

16.1 Students must be punctual and, furthermore, attendance at the College and where applicable, on placements, in each case, must be sufficient to fulfil the requirements of the course concerned. Poor attendance may have implications for a student's continuance on a course and receipt of grants and bursaries. Except where absence is authorised in exceptional circumstances, 100% attendance is expected from students. Attendance and absences are recorded on computerised registers which are kept for all classes. Students should be aware that it is the practice of the College to send a notification of absence and appointment request to the student's contact address following an unexplained absence. The college may contact you by electronic means (e.g. email and text) in connection with your course.

17. Progression

17.1 On College programmes of more than one year duration, progression to Year 2 (and subsequent years) is dependent on satisfactory performance in the previous year.

18. The Learning/Working Environment

18.1 The IT College operates a no–smoking policy and smoking is prohibited in College buildings. Students are required to comply with the policy.

18.2 Litter bins are placed strategically throughout College premises. Students are requested to assist in ensuring that all litter is placed in these bins in order to maintain a litter free, safe and healthy working environment.

18.3 Students are expected to contribute to the maintenance of a suitable physical learning environment by treating all College buildings and property with due care and respect.

19. Insurance

19.1 No insurance cover is held by the College to provide automatic compensation to students in the event of loss or damage to property, personal accident, injury or death. It is the responsibility of each student to insure for personal accident cover, if felt appropriate.

19.2 The College does hold third party liability insurance which indemnifies the College with respect to claims from third parties, including students, who have suffered injury, illness, loss or damage arising from the negligence of the College or its employees. However, if there is no negligence, no claim would be accepted by the College or its Insurers.

19.3 This information is brought to your attention at this time in order that you may take whatever action you feel appropriate.

20. Safety and Health

20.1 All users of the College and its facilities share a responsibility for safety and therefore there is a need for students:

20.1.1 To take personal responsibility for the safety and health of themselves and others

20.1.2 To observe safe standards of behaviour, dress, protective clothing and footwear as required

20.1.3 To familiarise themselves with the safety requirements of their course

20.1.4 Not to interfere with equipment or materials provided to promote safety and health.

20.2 All fire regulations and instructions must be complied with fully. Students should familiarise themselves with the details found on notices and instructions situated on College premises.

20.2 Any student wilfully misusing, neglecting, damaging or interfering with devices provided for fire protection and safety and health will be liable to disciplinary action.

21. Medical Matters

21.1 Any student with any medical condition which requires extra support should see the Occupational Health Service at the beginning of term.

21.2 Students are responsible for monitoring their own health and particular medical conditions and for the supply and administering of any medication they may require.

22. Alcohol, Drugs and Substance Misuse

22.1 The College encourages the health and wellbeing of all students and wishes to minimise problems arising from the misuse of alcohol and drugs. The College will offer guidance and support to any students known to have an alcohol or drug related problem and assist them to seek appropriate help. However the College will report to the police all incidents involving the supply or taking of illegal substances on its premises, as required by the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971.

23. Computer Usage and Monitoring of Internet Access and E-mails

23.1 Users of College computer equipment must only access Internet sites which are suitable as educational resources. In particular, sites containing any defamatory, inflammatory, discriminatory, obscene or pornographic material must not be accessed. Students are referred to the The IT College Acceptable Use Policy. A breach of this policy may lead to disciplinary action being taken.

23.2 The College reserves the right to monitor and check, at any time, all e-mail and internet traffic to ensure that, all users are adhering to College policies, at all times. By the acceptance of these Standard Terms and Conditions on enrolment, including the policy referred to in Clause 23.1, all users agree and consent to the monitoring of all e-mail and internet traffic generated by them.

24. Copyright

24.1 Except to the extent authorised in the Copyright Policy for Students or by the author of the material, the copying of materials of any nature whether literary, artistic or musical in connection with College business on College premises or through the use of College equipment is prohibited.
Copyright Policy for Students

25. Ownership and Intellectual Property

25.1 All users of the College and its facilities are required to comply with the Intellectual Property Policy, a copy of which is available from the Information & Booking Centre.

25.2 Any intellectual property rights arising in connection with any work produced by a student while they are enrolled at the College shall be owned by the College.

25.3 The College grants to the student a non–exclusive, royalty–free, irrevocable licence in respect of any intellectual property rights created by a student while they are enrolled at College for the purposes of educational and promotional use, including websites and other online media, academic publications, exhibition catalogues, posters, leaflets and prospectuses, including the right to sub–licence images for educational and promotional use. Any reproduction by the College intended for commercial purposes or any other purpose falls within the College’s right to do.

26. Confidentiality Obligations

26.1 While on work placements within the College, students may have access to information held by the College. All such information is to be treated as confidential by the student and should not be discussed or disclosed, except as required in the fulfilment of work placement duties. Students are forbidden from seeking to access information which is not directly required for the purpose of their work placement.

27. Data Protection

27.1 Students are referred to the College Data Protection Policy, as copy of which is available from the Information & Booking Centre.

27.2 The College takes its responsibilities under the Data Protection regulations seriously and respects the privacy of its students and staff. The College adopts such measures as it deems reasonable, from time to time, to ensure that all data is processed in accordance with the regulations.

27.3 Any individual may apply for a copy of their information held by the College (they may be charged a small fee), or to have corrections and amendments made to the information at any time. It is the responsibility of each individual to ensure that the information held by the College about them is accurate and up to date.

28. Entire Terms and Conditions of Study

28.1 These Terms and Conditions of Study, together with the College Policies, Codes and Regulations referred to herein, represent the entire policy of the College and supersede any previous policies, regulations and codes whatsoever. These Terms and Conditions of Study are correct at the time of going to print, but anyone wishing to ensure they have up to date information should check the College web site.

General enquiries and correspondence should be addressed to:
The IT College
Shop 18, Fountain Square
136 Main Road
Somerset West
Western Cape
South Africa

Copies of all policies referred to in this document are available free of charge on the College Web site.

There is also a 11 hour answering facility:
Telephone: (021) 852 5533

The information contained in this document, particularly relating to College Policies, Codes and Regulations, courses and fees was correct at the time of going to print but it is subject to alteration without notice. Anyone wishing to confirm any of the information should write to the enquiry address or check the College Web site which is regularly updated.

Disability Statement

The IT College is committed to ensuring that people with disabilities and people with learning difficulties are treated fairly.
We will, therefore, make reasonable adjustments to ensure that students with disabilities are not substantially disadvantaged.