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The IT College

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Contact - 0218525533

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Our Sponsors & Heroes

We as any business can't accomplish our goals without the help of others. The companies listed below have all contributed not only to the economy but chosen to assist those less fortunate in building their own futures by making the most important investment that they can, in education.


The bigger the logo below, the more learners that a specific company is sponsoring the education of.


Should you be interested in becoming a sponsor, please contact us.

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This logo size is a size which states that a company has sponsored a learner or set of learners. Each learner that they sponsor will get a company 100x100 pixels on this page. Should you see an a quote or perhaps even a puppy, that means that someone decided to donate but did so without wanting recognition and as such still gets honered as an annonomous donor.*

Sponsorship Options

There are numerous ways and means to sponsor. We have outlined these sponsorship methods below:

One Learner for a Skills Class

This is helping to train one learner in a very specific skill (3 Day Course).

Cost: R799

One Learner For a Skills Course

This is helping to train a single learner for an entire skills course (2 month course)

Cost: R3200 (Currently on special for R1799)

Sponsor a class for a specific Skill

This Sponsors a class of 10 to 12 people in a specific skill (3 day course)

Cost: R8000

Sponsor an entire class for a Skills Course

This Sponsors an entire class of 10 to 12 people for a skills course (2 Month course)

Cost: R17200

Sponsor a Single Learner for a 12 Month Course

This allows a single learner to study a career path subject for 12 months.

Cost: R9300

Sponsor a Campus / Mobile Campus

This option allows us to open a campus in a community where it is needed most. For the costing related to this, please contact us.

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* Please note, space provided here will be for a specific duration based on the sponsorship selected.