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The IT College

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Contact - 0218525533

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Our Short Courses

In today’s world focusing on just one skill is not the greatest of ideas, potential employers aren’t looking for somebody who specialises in one area, they look for candidates who are multiskilled as it allows them to perform multiple job functions when required by the company. Social skills are key performance factor and having training in other areas will be a great benefit to you when you attempt to get yourself another job.


The IT College offers three primary options for our short courses:

Lecture Led Training

These courses require you to go into a partnered campus to complete. Courses vary between 6 to 10 hours a level. They are a fast route to get a certificate and increase employability

Video Based Training

Partnering with various campuses around the world granted us access to the world's best trainers of specific skills. In this manner they recorded their classes and these classes can be taken by you at anytime and completed at your own pace over the period of up to one month.

Webinaar Based Training

A Hybrid of the above mentioned training methodologies, webinaars expose you to real life classes happening live on your screen. They cover specific topics and allow you to ask questions. To attend a webinaar, it is recommended that you are computer literate and have a good internet connection.

Our listed courses for each section are listed below

Lecture Based / Webinar Based Training Courses

Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word is the word processing application in the Microsoft Office suite. Learn how to use Word powerful tools for creating professional and eye-catching documents both for personal and professional use.

The IT College trains two levels of Microsoft Word, namely:


This IT College Introduction Course covers both level One & Level Two of Microsoft Word. Features included in this course are text formatting, paragraph formatting, saving documents, printing and more. We recommend that most learners regardless of career path complete this course.

Duration : 6 to 8 hours dependent on class


This IT College Advanced course covers level three of Microsoft word. These are the advanced features not often used by your average user including mail merge, formulae tool and macros. For a full course outline please click here.

Duration : 6 to 10 hours dependent on class

Microsoft Excel (Speciality Course)


Microsoft Excel is the spreadsheet application in the Microsoft Office suite. Learn how to use Excel's powerful tools for creating professional, high functioning speadsheets that can automate your work, create reports and perform dynamic calculations for you.

The IT College Excel trainer absolutely loves the excel program and can push excel  to it's very limits. If you are interested in receiving a full and proper education in Excel, The IT College highly recommends the In Depth One week course.

The IT College trains three levels of Microsoft Excel, namely:




This IT College introduction course covers both level One & Level Two of Microsoft Excel. Features included in this course are Ribbons, Cell Formating, Basic formulae and equations, saving workbooks, printing and more.


Duration : 6 to 8 hours dependent on class




This IT College Advanced course covers level three of Microsoft Excel. These are the advanced features not often used by your average user including Pivot Tables, Pivot Charts, advanced formulae and macros. For a full course outline please click here.


Duration : 6 to 10 hours dependent on class 

In Depth Version

Trained by our expert excel trainer, more focus is put onto forumales, complex equations and dynamic cell arrangement. Learners who complete this course have a far better understanding of excel than their counter parts who choose to only take the Introduction and Advanced courses.

Duration : 15 to 25 Hours dependent on class

Microsoft PowerPoint


Microsoft Word is the Slide Show and presentation application in the Microsoft Office suite. Learn how to use PowerPoints powerful tools for creating professional presentations for management, school projects, job interviews and sales pitches.


The IT College trains two levels of Microsoft PowerPoint, namely:




This IT College introduction course covers Level One of Microsoft PowerPoint, unlike other Microsoft Office Courses, Microsoft PowerPoint only features two levels, The IT College strongly recommends that you complete both levels of this course. Features included in this course are creating slides, applying themes, using animation, saving presentations, printing and more.


Duration : 6 to 8 hours dependent on class




This IT College Advanced course covers level two of Microsoft PowerPoint. These are the advanced features of Microsoft PowerPoint and will assist you in creating highly professional presentations. Features included in this course are advanced timing, custom animation, advanced printing options and macros. For a full course outline please click here.


Duration : 6 to 10 hours dependent on class

Microsoft Outlook


Microsoft Outlook is the world's most commonly used Email client application used by business, it forms part of the Microsoft Office suite but only comes in the business package of the program or has to be bought seperately. In the courses below learn how to use Microsoft Outlook's powerful features to keep in contact with your clients, friends and family while keeping your days, weeks and months organised.


The IT College trains two levels of Microsoft Outlook, namely:




This IT College introduction course covers Level One of Microsoft outlook, like Microsoft PowerPoint it only features two levels, The IT College strongly recommends that you complete both levels of this course. Features included in this course are sending emails, receiving emails, creating appointments, viewing your calendar, etc.


Duration : 6 to 8 hours dependent on class




This IT College Advanced course covers level two of Microsoft Ooutlook. These are the advanced features of Microsoft Outlook and will assist you in making your email client work for you. Features included in this course are email filters, sharing appointments, creating accounts, managing multiple Personal File Folders & more. For a full course outline please click here.


Duration : 6 to 10 hours dependent on class

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Video Based Training Short Courses

This is The IT College skills library and contains (as its name suggests) a host and variety of different skills that would be beneficial to any career path and not just IT. These courses can provide quick useful skills that make your everyday just that much easier and your employability that much higher. Most of these courses are under 20 hours and will make your CV far more interesting than if you had to be without them.

These courses can be studied anywhere and at any time as long as you have an internet connection and a compatable device.

  • Advanced Management Skills
  • Appraising Performance
  • Art of Communication
  • Art of Organization
  • Art of Stress Management
  • Assertiveness
  • Attitude to Success
  • Better Business Communication
  • Better Business Writing
  • Business Communication Fundamentals
  • Business of Listening
  • Call Center Success
  • Calming Upset Customers
  • Coaching Employees
  • Coaching with Cofidence
  • Manageing Development & Transistioning into management
  • Managing Development for Technical Professioanls
  • Connecting with Customers through customer service
  • Cornerstones of Customer Sales & Service
  • Delivering Effective Training
  • Diversity Dynamics
  • Effective Delegation

  • Effective Meeting Skills
  • Effective Performance Appraisals
  • Effective Presentation Skills
  • Email-Ettiquet
  • Empowerment
  • Excellence in Supervision
  • Facilitating Meetings & Groups
  • Fundamentals of Business Crisis Management
  • Giving and Receiving Critisism
  • Handling Conflict & Confrontation
  • Helping customers through quality Service
  • How to Coach an Effective team
  • How to De-junk your Life
  • How to Get Things Done
  • How to Supervise People
  • Leadershift (Leadership Skills)
  • Leadership Skills for Women
  • Making Humour Work
  • Managing Time
  • Mentoring that Matters
  • Negaholics
  • Negativitiy in the Work Place
  • New Business of Paradigms
  • Powerful Communication Skills

  • Powerful Presentation Skills
  • Preventing Sexual Harrassment at Work
  • Project Management
  • Project Management Overview
  • Project Management Professional
  • Quick Books Accounting
  • Sexual Harassment Prevention for Employees
  • Sexual Harassment Prevention for Managers
  • Successful Hiring
  • Successful Negotation
  • Successful Termination
  • Tactics of Innovation
  • Team Leadership
  • Team Problem Solving
  • Telephone Collections
  • Using the Change Process
  • The Presenters Craft
  • The Rewards of telephone Courtesy
  • Understanding Buinsess Ethics
  • Understanding HIPAA
  • Working As a Team


Should you be interested in taking any of these courses, please apply online or contact one of our skill course advisors to assist you