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The IT College

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Contact - 0218525533

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Our Career Paths

The IT College believes in lifelong education, we believe that no matter what field you go into, technology will change, innovators be born and the industry you begin in now may become a completely unrecognisable industry ten years from now.


Set in this belief structure, we created a set of career paths that you as a learner can study. These career paths are sets of courses that you as a learner can study to get you to where you want to be one day. We have developed and designed four distinct career paths and one specialty career path.


The difference is that our initial four career paths are one year of study each and give you a mixture of skills to compete in a specific environment or industry. Our specialty career path takes a number of years and positions you as a learner in an area where there is a skills shortage. We plan to develop a new specialty career path every 7 years.


We however also take into account that each learner is an individual and as such, some supporting subjects in each career path, may be swapped for other subjects. This is to ensure that your career path matches your goals, ambitions and personality as far as possible.

IT Technical (Specialty Career Path)

The IT College would like to present you with our technical career path. This career path is our specialty career path for the next 7 years and aims to train learners with no IT background into technical experts in the following fields; Computer Technicians, Network Technicians, Sever Technicians, Linux Technicians, Microsoft Engineers, Cisco Associates, Security Professionals, Computer Foreignsic experts, Ethical Hackers and members of the EC Council.

This career path has been specifically designed to take into account the fact that the world is experiencing s severe scarsity of skilled security professionals in the upper tiers of the skill set. What this results in for you as a learner is opportunity. This skills shortage means that there are more jobs available in that industry then there are people to fill them and as such your opportunity for employment greatly increases.

Who should take this course

The IT Technical career path is aimed at learners who are "hands on" with their approach to computers. This career path is suited to those who love to know how things work, to those who are always fixing things and to anyone with a strong logic skill.

Career Path Map

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