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Microsoft Certification Training from The IT College

Microsoft certifications are among the most valuable and respected credentials in the world. More companies run their business on Microsoft than any other vendor, which makes holding a Microsoft certification essential. LearnSmart has helped people improve their careers with Microsoft certification training for over 12 years. The popularity of Microsoft certification comes from the need for individuals with training on the various Microsoft Networking, Security and Database software that is so prevalent in the business community. Many of the large companies that utilize Microsoft products require that their employees hold Microsoft certifications as a requirement for employment. These certifications help speed up the due diligence a company must perform to validate a potential employee's skills on Microsoft software. LearnSmart can help you earn the Microsoft certifications you need to give you the edge in your search for new and improved employment opportunities.

Which Microsoft Certification is right for you?

Microsoft certifications come in as many options as Microsoft software. The Microsoft certification track you choose should be based on your personal career need and the software you need to master. 

To get a full grasp of how many courses and career options there are. We have placed a small career map below. These are outlined by Microsoft to be their current focus career paths. For more information on the various specific courses, please contact our expert course advisors or alternatively visit the Microsoft Academy website.

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